Below is a letter from the Directors welcoming West Berks Members back to bowling.  It is on a restricted basis so please read the information carefully:

Dear Member

The Directors have carefully studied the EIBA and Government guidelines and feel able to re-open the club on Monday, 10th August, albeit on a restricted basis.

We know members have lost over four months of indoor bowling during the Coronavirus pandemic and the Directors have generously agreed to waive ALL roll-up rink fees from 10th August until 30th September.

I am sure this will come as good news to many members, but we do understand that some of you may be cautious about returning indoors.

For your safety we have worked hard to make the club a clean and Covid secure environment. Each day the club, including the new bowls carpet, will be sanitised with a specially purchased “fogger” sanitation machine which lowers the risk of infection and the spread of flu and the Coronavirus for 24 hours. In addition, your temperature will be checked before entry. Mats, jacks and touch points will be sanitised and one way systems are in operation. PPE will be worn by staff and you are free to wear your own face covering although it is not mandatory.

Whilst you have been away we have also been busy improving the fabric of the club. The dining room and changing rooms have been decorated and the new green carpet has been fitted. We will post on the website a pictorial record of how the Greengauge fitters removed the old carpet and underlay down to the boards. How they loose laid and taped the new Formula 1 underlay and finally how the new carpet was laid, stitched and marked up ready for your return.

The Club asks all players to please abide by the following rules and to play your part in keeping the Club and fellow Members safe.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

 The Directors                   3rd August 2020


Please read the following information fully and carefully:


Booking a Rink

  • In the initial phase running up to 30th August there will be only two sessions each day from Monday to Friday. Playing time will be limited to 1 hour and 45 minutes each with 15 minutes allowed for changeover. The sessions will commence at 9.30am and 11.30am.
  • Bookings may be made up to 7 days in advance by calling the office on 01635 34840 between 9.30 and 13.30 weekdays. Bookings can also be made between 10.00 and 12.00 on Friday August 7th.  Rink availability can be viewed on the Club website (wbibc.co.uk) by clicking the Bowlr tab.
  • Rinks 2, 4 and 6 only may be booked.
  • Bookings may be made for up to six named members per rink. It would be helpful if you could book in groups of four plus.
  • We request that members restrict their bookings as only a few sessions are available each week, and we would like as many members as possible to benefit.
  • If you can’t find a roll-up partner(s) please let the desk know, as there may be other members looking for a partner(s).

Arriving to Play.

  • You will not be allowed access to the green unless you name is already in the booking system. All names will be held for 21 days for ‘track and trace’ purposes.  Non-bowlers must also sign in with the office.
  • Arriving members will enter through the normal entrance and proceed to the lobby where their temperature will be checked. They should also sanitise their hands. Anyone failing the temperature check will be refused admission.
  • Members are asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes before their session time, and to be dressed ready to play, except for their shoes which will be changed in the Dining Room. Casual dress is acceptable.
  • Please follow the signage to enter and exit the green.
  • There will be no access to the Ladies or Gents changing rooms except for members to collect their equipment on their first visit. Ladies will access their changing room from the marked door on the right of the green.
  • Members are required to take their bowls away with them at the end of their game.  Bowls are not to be left in the Dining Room or Lounge areas.
  • Drinks will be available from the water and coffee machines, but members are required to bring their own cups or glasses. Any items left will be discarded.
  • Only the Disabled Toilet will be available. Members are asked to re-sanitise on leaving.
  • Members will exit the building via the door from the dining room into the car park.

Playing your Game

  • All Mats, Jacks and handrails will have been sanitised.
  • The mat position is FIXED on a ‘T’ at three metres from the ditch and must not be moved during play. This will allow extra space behind the mat for social distancing.
  • Player numbers are restricted to a maximum of 6 per rink.
  • The Jack will not be cast but will be placed by the winning skip using his foot, at a length of his choice.
  • For play, those booking rink 2 will play up rink 2 and will return by playing down rink 1. Those on rink 4 will play up rink 4 and down rink 3; those on rink 6 will play up rink 6 and down rink 5.
  • This will mean that neither mats nor jacks will need to be touched by hand during the session. Please only hand touch your own bowls.
  • This procedure will also help to even the wear on our new carpet.
  • Jacks entering the ditch or leaving the rink will be re-placed on the ‘T’ after being re-sanitised. Ditched woods should be left for their owner to remove after the end is completed.
  • Pushers will not be available.
  • If you wish to mark a toucher, use only spray chalk.
  • Scorecards will be available but Skips should bring their own pens. Cards should be binned on leaving the Club.
  • Measuring is allowed but care should be taken not to touch the bowls or jack.

The scoreboard and chairs behind the green are not to be used


Missed our Open Day?

Don’t worry, you can still enjoy a FREE Taster Session. Drop in on any Saturday morning coaching session and try out indoor bowls for free.

Our new 13 week coaching course starts on Saturday, 18th January from 8.30 am – 10.30 am.  Course cost is £25 refundable when you take up full membership.  Further details from Angela on 07729 183373.


Saturday, January 11th from 10 am to 2 pm. Come and try your hand at indoor bowls. Nothing to pay, bowls provided. Easy, sociable way to stay active and healthy.  All welcome from age 9 years, full disabled facilities. Free parking, refreshments. For details call Angela on 07729 183373.


West Berks members held a superb Children in Need fundraising evening on Friday, 15th November. Thanks to Mike Blizzard for the music, Angell’s Catering for the refreshments and a big thank you to all members, friends and family for donating so generously and raising the magnificent sum of £800.



Saturday, 23rd November from 10 am – 1 pm at the Club.  Christmas Crafts and Gifts, Tombola, loads of stalls, luxury Raffle. Shop early for Christmas. Refreshments, Free entry, Free parking.  All welcome


**Enjoy double discount off drinks at the bar with Club card

**Enjoy a free roll up from 8.30 pm. 

A good time to invite potential new members and earn yourself 10 free tokens when they become a playing member.

**Enjoy West Berks Monthly Draw (formerly 12 Ends Club) every third Friday of the month. CASH prizes to be won. Sign up in the club now, open to all members.

You gotta be in it to win it!

And more to come …….



It has been medically proven that Bowls improves your general health and helps to strengthen the immune system. Playing a game of bowls gives your muscles and joints good anaerobic exercise because you are not giving your cardiovascular system a workout.
During an average game, you will:
*Bend more than 40 times
*Walk about 1260 metres
*Swing your arm more than 40 times to deliver a bowl weighing more than 3 lbs.
This gives your muscles and joints good exercise as well as exercising your mind as you try to outwit your opponent!
‘Bowls – The Sport for All’

Also recommended by the British Heart Foundation